Wednesday, August 10, 2011

UN Report: Chinese Bullets Used in Darfur

UN Report: Chinese Bullets Used in Darfur

CAIRO: Libya#s Gaddafi Foundation charity run by Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi#s son Seif al-Islam, announced this week projects worth $8 million to assist Darfur refugees displaced by conflict and war in the Western Sudanese region. ...

Every autumn since 2006, the UN#s Panel of Experts on Sudan -- a group of experts on arms, finances, aviation, and human rights -- has reported to the UN Sudan Sanctions Committee on violations of the arms embargo on Darfur. ...

Although there have been substantially fewer clashes between parties to the conflict in Darfur, deadly fighting between communities in the war-ravaged Sudanese region continues, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in a new report. ...

China has attempted to smother a draft United Nations report that says Chinese bullets have been used in attacks on international peacekeepers in Sudan#s conflict-torn Darfur region.

Parties to the conflict in the troubled Darfur region of Sudan are been urged by the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to negotiate in good faith in order to reach an agreement.

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